
The program's theses have received several awards:
- 2022: student Leonardo Giani received an honorable mention for the ICTP-SAIFR Prize in Classical Gravity and Applications.
- 2023: student Guilherme Brando received an honorable mention for the ICTP-SAIFR Prize in Classical Gravity and Applications.
- 2023: student David Camarena won the ICTP-SAIFR Prize in Classical Gravity and Applications.
- 2023: student David Camarena received an honorable mention for the CAPES award.
- 2023: student David Camarena won the Brazilian Physical Society award.
- 2023: professor Rita de Cássia dos Anjos won the Anselmo Salles Paschoa Prize.
- 2024: professor Rita de Cássia dos Anjos won the Carolina Nemes Prize.

The highlights of PPGCosmo can be found at this link:

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