Integração com a graduação

Most of the faculty members involved in PPGCosmo also teach undergraduate courses in Physics (both Bachelor's and Licentiate degrees), as well as in Mathematics, Chemistry, and Engineering. In addition, they supervise undergraduate students through the Scientific Initiation program. Some of these Scientific Initiation students will be integrated into the work developed within PPGCosmo, taking part in specific activities.

There is also engagement with high school students through the Junior Scientific Initiation program.

During events organized by PPGCosmo, activities are also planned for high school students and the broader community. This is particularly relevant as these events (such as the José Plínio Baptista School of Cosmology and the Quantum Summer) are often held in small towns in the countryside of Espírito Santo.

Teacher Internship:

All PhD students associated with PPGCosmo must complete a teaching internship. This internship involves assisting, for one semester, faculty members of the program who teach undergraduate courses. The internship will not only require students to deliver some specific activities but also to help implement the course schedule.

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Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910