PPGCosmo Highlights

Since its establishment in 2016, PPGCosmo has emerged as a center of excellence in research and education, driving significant scientific achievements by its students and faculty members. The faculty includes bolsistas do CNPq (levels 1 and 2), researchers listed among the World’s Top 2% Scientists, and affiliate members of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences (ABC). This document presents these accomplishments in chronological order.





  • A PPGCosmo alumnus was awarded the Newton International Fellowship at Oxford University.





  • Faculty members published the paper Absence of a Fundamental Acceleration Scale in Galaxies in Nature Astronomy.

  • A member received a Humboldt Fellowship to work at Heidelberg University.

  • A student received an APS/SBF Visiting Fellowship.

  • A faculty member authored the book Lecture Notes in Cosmology, published by Springer.

  • A faculty member became coordinator of the Large Scale Structure Science Working Group of the J-PAS collaboration.


  • A faculty member published the paper Quantum Backreaction on Three-Dimensional Black Holes and Naked Singularities in Physical Review Letters. The work was featured in Physics.

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