
PPGCosmo organiza conferência do Prof. José A.F. Pacheco sobre origem dos elementos

O prof. José A.F. Pacheco (Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, França e colaborador do PPGCosmo) ministrará palestra intitulada "A origem dos elementos e as estrelas anãs estranhas" nesta quarta-feira, 12/06, no auditório do PPGFIS, às 11 h.

Buracos negros, imagens e sombras

A palestra pública intitulada Buracos negros, imagens e sombras será ministrada pelo prof. Júlio Fabris no dia 02 de junho, às 11 horas, no auditório principal do Parque da Vale, em Jardim Camburi, Vitória. A palestra versará sobre a imagem obtida de um buraco negro.

Prof. Vílson Zanchin will present a seminar at UFES

The prof. Vílson Zanchin, from the Federal University of ABC, will present this Friday, at 10 am, in the auditorium of PPGFIs, UFES, a seminar entitled "Compact Objects in General Relativity". The seminar is organized by the Núcleo Cosmo-ufes.

PhD scholarship at PPGCosmo

Applications for a full PhD scholarship are open at PPGCosmo. The registration period extends from March 25 to May 10, 2019. The selection process is described in the announcement published in Spanish, English and Portuguese,  and contains all the informations about the application as well as the different stages of the selection.

Cosmology and Gravitation - Visiting Scientist, Postdoc - Results

Results of the selection for visiting scientist.

See attachment (in Portuguese).

Visita do professor Laerte Sodré (IAG, USP), 4-7/2/2019

Mini-curso (3 aulas de 2h cada): Tópicos em Astronomia Extragaláctica

RESUMO: Vou abordar alguns tópicos de meu interesse direto e que são parte do curso de formação de galáxias ministrado no IAG por mim e e outros colegas.

- Matéria Escura (04/02/2019, das 16 h às 18 h, auditório do PPGFIS)

- Efeitos do Ambiente em Galáxias (05/02/2019, das 16 h às 18 h, auditório do PPGFIS)

- O Universo em Altos Redshifts (07/02/2019, das 16 h às 18 h, auditório do PPGFIS)

Verão Quântico 2019

Verão Quântico is a bi-annually conference devoted to discuss subjects in the frontier of all areas of cosmology and gravitation. The meeting includes mini-courses and advanced seminars, as well as short communications and poster sessions selected between works submitted by the participants. 

The eighth edition of the meeting will also hold a special session in honour of Prof. Ilya Shapiro for his sixtieth birthday.

More infos and registration at 

Cosmology and Gravitation - Visiting Scientist, Postdoc

The PPGCosmo program anticipates having one 4-year senior postdoctoral position for non-Brazilian citizens (professor visitante estrangeiro) starting in February-June 2019. 

PPGCosmo is a Brazilian PhD program consisting of five institutions from Brazil and four institutions outside Brazil. The research topics range from theoretical to observational aspects of Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation, including participation in collaborations such as DES, Euclid, J-PAS, Virgo and LIGO. Its staff comprises 18 faculty members, see and for details. 

IV José Plínio Baptista School on Cosmology - Gravitational Waves

The José Plínio Baptista School of Cosmology (JPBCosmo) reviews every two years relevant topics in Theoretical Physics. Advanced courses and review seminars focus on the state of the art of the chosen topic. The school is aimed at graduate students. 

Visita do Professor Joseph Buchbinder no Cosmo-UFES

O Prof. Joseph Buchbinder (Universidade de Tomsk, Rússia) visitará o grupo de Astrofísica, Cosmologia e Gravitação da UFES na semana 23-27/04/2018 ministrando as seguintes atividades:
Mini-Curso, segunda (23/04), terça (24/04) e quarta (25/04), 13.30-15.00:
Introduction to supersymmetric field theory.

1. General idea of supersymmetry. Lorentz and Poincaré groups. Two component spinors.


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